BAOWE’s women lead Self Help Group(SHG) – Tshalajong Gonor Gongphel Tshogpa ( Dairy Group), with technical support from Dzongkhag Livestock Officer (DLO), Livestock Production Unit (LPU), Livestock Extension  (Trong Gewog Zhemgang).

Diversifying and Value adding on their produce creating scope for income generation and livelihood enhancement. The Group manufactures yogurt to be sold at Tingtibi RNR Sales Counter. The group was formed by BAOWE in 2012 under Project JFPR 9155  (Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction ) funded through Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Through TA BHU 9016 ‘Decentralized Coordination and Partnership for Gender Equality, Phase II of JFPR, the Project is promoting value addition along with building capacity of the group.

The Project also supports capacity building and exposure in agricultural, livestock and medicinal plant activities for other Women Farmer Groups in Zhemgang, Trashigang and Trongsa. 

Executing partners for the Project are ADB, NCWC(PMU) & READ Bhutan.